Undo a Payment in Radio Workflow

How to Undo a Payment in Radio Workflow

Accessing Accounts Receivable and Payments

  1. Log in to your Radio Workflow account.
  2. Locate and click on the "Accounts Receivable" tab in the main navigation menu.
  3. In the dropdown menu, click on "Payments" to access the list of payments.

Generating the Payments Report

  1. On the Payments page, you have several filter options to choose from such as Account, Account Rep, Date Range, and Payment Gateway. Select the appropriate filters for your report.
  2. After applying your desired filters, click the "Run Report" button to generate a list of payments based on your selected criteria.

Undoing a Payment

  1. In the list of payments, click on the payment you wish to undo.
  2. On the left side, click the "Undo Payment" button.
  3. A warning message will appear, asking if you are sure you want to undo the payment. If you are sure, click "OK" to proceed.

That's it! You have successfully undone a payment in Radio Workflow. Keep in mind that this action cannot be reversed, so ensure that you are confident in your decision to undo a payment before proceeding.