Check your Account Balances
Checking Account Balances in Radio Workflow
This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step explanation of how to check your account aging in Radio Workflow.
Accessing Balances
- Log in to your Radio Workflow account.
- Navigate to the "Accounts Receivable" section and choose Balances.
- You will be greeted with various filter options.
Filter Options
You will have the following filter options to customize your balance report:
- Account: View the account balance for specific accounts.
- Salespeople: Select specific salespeople within the organization.
- Station: Filter balances by station.
- Revenue Type: Filter balances by revenue type.
Viewing Balances
- Choose the filters according to your preferences.
- Click on "Run Query" to generate the balance report based on your selected filters.
Customizing the Report View
- To view specific salespeople, untick the box next to the salespeople you don't want to see in the report.
- You can use the "Select All" and "Deselect All" options for quicker selection.
- Click on "Run a Report" again to update the displayed balances.
You can also change the report format using the following options:
- Advertiser Summary and Group by Rep: A summary based on the advertiser and the sales representative.
- Advertiser Single Line Summary: Each advertiser displayed in one line, not grouped by the sales representative.
- Detailed Transactions: A breakdown of the report by invoicing.
- Station's Single Line Summary: A breakdown of the report based on the money owed to each station.
- Rep Single Line Summary: A summary of the accounts owned by each sales representative.
Access for Sales Representatives
Sales representatives have access to view their account balances, but they will only see the accounts owned by them. If they log in, they will only see the accounts on the list that are associated with their name.
Updated almost 2 years ago