Creating a Production Order
We have made getting your spots on-air a breeze with a new project wizard. It is a very simple to use 5 step process and this article will explain these 5 steps in more detail.
First, let's open the wizard. On every page within your workflow, there is a top navigation bar. On the right-hand side, there is a link which looks like a plus sign. Click this link and then select Project. This will open the new project form.
Step 1: General Project Information
In this step, we gather some information needed for the project itself.
Account If you are creating a Project for a client, then select a Account or add a new one by clicking the New Account link on the right-hand side of the Account field. If the project is for imaging elements such as sweeps and promos and not related to a company, then tick the checkbox labelled "This is an imaging project"
Description Now let's give your Project a description. This should be based on something meaningful, for example, if your client is running a once off campaign for their new store opening, your description may be something like "Spots for the new store opening", remember other people will be reading this description to get an understanding of what the Project is about, so choose your words wisely.
Spec Spots (Demo Spots) This is a simple yes or no question. We ask this because Projects that are for Spec Spots are treated slightly differently as no Traffic Order is required. If you are requesting Creative/Production for Spec Spots then select yes here. Once you sell the ads to the Company the ads at a later date, then you can upgrade the Project to reflect this.
Co-op Material This is a simple yes or no question. If you are adding Co-op material then select yes.
Delivery This is how the spots you are instructing will be arriving for dubbing, it could be via an external courier or made in your location production department. If you are adding a Creative Order, then choose Local Production, otherwise choose an option that best describes how the audio will be sent to Production.
Step 2: The Creative Order
Once you have filled out the form in Step 1, click Next to save your changes and proceed to this step. It is now time, if required, to create a Creative Order.
Writer This is the person in your organisation that will be in charge of completing the order (writing the scripts required and gaining client approval). This may already have a selection, as Radio Workflow remembers the last writer you assigned while creating a Project for the Company you selected. If it does, you can override the selection by selecting another, if it doesn't, you can select one. If you don't know who the writer will be, then do not select any, in this case we will email all writers to inform them that a new Project has arrived without a writer assigned.
Budget If you have a production budget for talent (or any other reason), enter it here. For example, you may want to allow for a voice over fee to be covered if it is within this set budget.
Briefing This is where we get into the specifics about what you want in your spots by asking you customisable questions about the Company and what they want to advertise. We have a set of default questions that we add to everyone's workflow, they can be modified within the Customise menu if you have been given the rights to access it.
Once you have filled out the Creative Order (if you have added one), press next to continue to the next step.
Step 3: Additional Files
If you have any files that are not final scripts and media files for an air playback, then it is recommended you upload it here. For example, if you have a sound effect, music bed or jingle you want to include on the Project, this is where you upload it. Once you have uploaded any additional files, or if you have none to upload, click the Next button to proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: The Traffic Order
You now have the option to add a Traffic Order to your project. If you require Creative & Production on your spots, you may choose not to add one, unlike a Creative Order, you can add a Traffic Order at any time, even after your project is submitted. Click the button that says Traffic Order (Scheduling if you are creating an imaging project) and you will be presented with a form to add the Traffic Order.
Updated over 5 years ago