
This document lists the OAuth 2.0 scopes that you might need to request to access Radio Workflow API's. You must request the suitable scopes during your chosen authentication flow.

basicThe basic scope is read-only access to all suitable endpoints. Eg. Requests to GET endpoints that are not sensitive only require the basic scope. If you plan to make use of a PUT, POST or DELETE endpoint, you may require additional scopes.
dubbedTo update the status of a spot to dubbed using the /dubbed endpoint, this scope is required. It can only be granted by a user with Super User access to the Radio Workflow instance.
edit-settingsThis scope allows you to edit core system settings for the instance. Eg. Stations, Markets, Revenue Types etc
edit-logsThis scope allows your app to modify logs and clocks. If you plan to make use of a PUT, POST or DELETE endpoint for clocks or logs, you will require this scope to be granted.


When a Super User account is required

When a Super User account is required to grant access to a scope that is considered sensitive, if the end user does not have the rights to grant it, then we prompt the user and give them the option to sign into an account that has the rights to grant the scope.